The London Bike Studio took shape in founder Diego Padilla’s Hackney garage. More than expert repairs, his family and friends had a need for mechanical guidance, to help them understand how to truly maintain and care for their bicycles. Diego started small, mending neighbours bikes and holding maintenance classes around his cycling advocacy work with the council and mechanics teaching position with City & Guilds. Now the studio is open full time, holds regular cycle events.

LBS now has a new shop on Evering Road to help people find us and provide a better service to our old friends with more parts and accessories to choose from. Also available at the new shop, top notch speciality coffee from Caravan Roastery.

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“ How do we transport ourselves sustainably? the bicycle is part of the answer"



When clients leave the studio they do so with a greater compassion for cycling and a desire to share it. Because at the London Bike Studio, we feel it is deeply important to make mechanics more accessible. That’s why we’ve created workshop classes and online tutorials that simplify the craft of caring for bicycles. When we teach, we focus on inspiring and empowering our clients to upkeep and retain their bike knowledge.

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Our Mission

Other than lowering obesity, blood pressure, and depression rates, most critically, choosing to ride a bike reduces carbon emissions. For these reasons we seek to deepen peoples connection with cycling. Not to mention, the rush of energy and feeling of freedom that comes from riding a well-tuned machine, is incomparable.